Chocolaty, Creamy, Dreamy Brownies Sandwiches with Coffee cream and sugar crunches, simply Irresistible!

Me and mine family has a lover kinda relation with brownies, that I couldn't ever turn it down. I used to make different styles of brownies with numbers of techniques ever now and then. Brownies is a lovely temptation for serving family or even to the guest with Coffee or Chai. My mom haven't that sweet tooth, but she always ask me for bake brownies in every happy events and invitations to serve after-dinner-dessert and believe me these softy, cake-y brownies are perfect for that kind of stuffs, which gives you sweet-healthy-power after eating spicy food.
So, today I'm sharing this Tempting dessert-y chocolat-y recipe with you. Bake it, Love it, but remember - love your family more.. ;)
Things you'll need:
- 2 egg yolks
- 1 whole egg
- 1 cup sugar
- 1/2 cup oil or butter
- 1/8 cup strong coffee
- 2 tbsp good quality cocoa
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 and 1/8 cup all-purpose flour
- 2 tsp baking powder
For cream:
- 1 cup fresh cream
- 1/4 cup sugar
- 2g instant Coffee
- Sugar Crunch (optional)
- Preheat oven at 180 C/ 350 F.
- Beat first four ingredient on medium-high speed until thicken
- Mix coffee and cocoa and add it to eggs mixture, beat well.
- Add vanilla, beat until everything mixed-up.
- Add flour and baking powder through sifter, fold them gently.
- Pour batter in brownie pan (greased with baking paper or floured), and bake for 30 to 35 mins.
For Coffee cream: Beat 1 cup fresh cream and 1/4 cup sugar with instant Coffee, until fluffy and smooth.
When done, slice the brownie in middle (sandwich look) put coffee cream in first layer, sprinkle 'sugar crunch' and cover with another layer. Cut into desired size squares. Served hot or cool, choices are your and most important... ENJOY!